Lush Spring Collection Haul

Lush Spring Valentine Products


Hello fellow Lushies! I know you're out there. I'm also a Lush addict, let's be friends. Despite landing myself the biggest Boxing Day Sale haul of all time I couldn't resist getting a few of the new bits that hit Lush shops for Spring and Valentines. That unicorn horn - top right with stars on - had to be mine (I got three, I need help!), and I have to say it's one of their best ever bubble bars. I often find that Lush bubbles lather up quickly, but don't stay long. They're okay to use with bath bombs, but you'd soon have an empty bath if you only ever used bubble bars. The Unicorn horn is much more long lasting and smells divine. Side note: it's probably the prettiest thing they've sold too, why oh why is it limited edition?! I'm also loving the rainbow bubble bar at the bottom, not as long lasting once it's crumbled into bubble form, but it's huge so you get more baths out of it for your money. The lotus flower bath bomb on the left hand side has now sold out, and this might be a blessing. Once it had exploded the smell was SO potent! It lingered in the bathroom for days. Hmm, how to describe the smell? Like a hundred bottles of old-lady perfume had broken and spilt everywhere.


Lush Unicorn Horn


I'm yet to try the others, but I can't wait. These three above have to be my favourite Lush designs of all time. There's just something that Lush seems to nail on the head every season, they capture the colours and smells of that time of year, and you just want to fill your bathroom with these bright beauties - well I do anyway. As ever, it's good to know that you can indulge in Lush baths knowing that the products are cruelty-free and chemical-free. I've still got a lot of Christmas Pudding bath bombs to get through... but I'm not complaining. 


Here are some of my other Lush reviews, are you a fellow Lushie? Let me know in the comments below x

Boxing Day Haul

Christmas Products

Halloween and Fireworks Haul 

Lush Haul 




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