London Cat Cafe

London Cat Cafe


Years ago I watched a TV programme that explained how thousands of cat-loving Tokyo residents living in high rise apartments weren't allowed pets, so they had created cafes where they could come and pet a range of cats whilst supping tea. What a brill skills idea I thought! We should have those in London! And then I forgot all about this for years and years, until I heard all about  Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium


London Cat Cafe


It took time for the UK's first cat cafe to get going, with it obviously needing lots of special planning permission. But I was mega excited - CATS! CAKE! TEA! What's not to like?! As soon as online booking I opened I tried to nab a table, and found that they were booked up solidly for the next six months. Sad face. I waited patiently and finally my time came. Bloggers at the ready! I love cats so much, and wish I could have one. But like a Toykioan (?) I'm not allowed. There were definitely some very strokeable and cute cats. My fave was a fat-faced tabby called Wookie whose bookcase climbing skills we marvelled at (in the first photo). 


London Cat Cafe


Just off of Brick Lane in Bethnal Green, Lady Dinah's is strictly for advanced bookers only. You pay £5 on entry and have to wash your hands before you are allowed through to the cafe. They have eleven cats in total, each allowed to roam around as they please - anywhere except outdoors. The rules are that you can pet the cats if they come to you, but you aren't allowed to disturb them sleeping or pick them up. God knows what the cats think about being faced by so many strangers each day, but they seemed quite chilled, and the cafe owners are careful to let a limited amount of people in each day so the animals aren't overwhelmed.


London Cat Cafe


After the initial coo-ing and fussing from us and everyone in our timed entry group, it felt like we were just in a normal cafe that had the occasional cat walking past. Or the odd cat laying sprawled out like a rug. Early reviews of the cafe were not kind to the service or quality of food, and I was hoping things would have improved by the time my visit came. We ordered the cream tea for two which was really good, and a bargain for £8. The people next to us selected an amazing savoury afternoon tea thing, which was brought out on a cake tier but consisted of sandwiches, pork pies and cheeses instead of cakes. Never seen that before! The service is, however, still very slow. The staff are lovely and smiley, but because you enter at a set time with a group of people, they have to stagger orders, which of course leaves some waiting far longer than others. If you're lucky and the cats aren't all sleeping and tucked away, there's plenty to amuse you as you wait. If you love cats, get on the waiting list, this is definitely somewhere different to have a cuppa in London! 


London Cat Cafe



Brick Lane


Hollywood Glamour at Somerset House