The Queen's Birthday Tea With The Grand Hotel

 The Queen celebrated one of her two annual birthdays on the 9th June, this one being her 'official monarch birthday', though I think it's just a sneaky way to snaffle more presents. Her Madge is 92 this year, and that means we can each have 92 drinks to her health (just spread them out throughout the year). The extremely swishy five star Grand Hotel in York asked me if I'd like to help celebrate with a delicious hamper of right royal treats so I could have tea and cake Queen-style. The delectable selection (below) included fruit cake, macarons (or macaroons as they've been rebelliously called here), Royal Blend tea bags from the Queen's personal fave store (Fortnum and Mason), fudge, and a selection of jams including strawberry and champagne flavour. These treats went down a storm with some prosecco (I always have some on hand), and made a fun picnic in the park with pals to celebrate the Queen's special day. The Grand Hotel does afternoon tea like no other, so if you're in York make sure you check out their classic tea, or one of their themed teas throughout the year. Cheers, Your Majesty!  


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