Winter Walking At Scotney Castle

 I absolutely love winter walks when the weather is crisp and cold, so long as there's also blue skies and the sun is shining. The perfect conditions for wrapping up and going on a long hike. Scotney Castle in Kent is a fab place if you like to combine a stately home visit with walking; the grounds are huge, hilly, and absolutely lush. After looking around the main house I strolled around the vast estate which includes lakes, a beautiful former medieval castle that was purposely ruined in the Victorian era to look like a folly (bit crazy, eh?), and seemingly endless landscaped gardens.  Whilst winter walks can be bliss, you do need to think about safety, especially with the ground being soggier or more slippery than usual, and the weather biting with coldness a lot more. Slater & Gordon have put together some winter walking safety tips (below), and included some ideas for picturesque walks if you're keen to make the most of nature this winter. Hope you enjoy some safe and stunning travels. Collaborative Post


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