Skinny Prosecco

Skinny Prosecco


Deep down you know that Christmas, and that week between Christmas and New Year's, and then New Year's Eve is going to be all about the boozing and feasting, and lord knows how much sugar that will involve. I mean, you shouldn't care (unless you have a serious illness that determines your sugar intake), it's Christmas after all - the season that green-lights indulgence. But when you can have a low-sugar option that tastes as good as the real deal, you might as well make a few sensible cut-backs. If you know me, or if you're just good at guessing what someone likes from the title of their blog, then you'll know I love the 'Italian version of Champagne'. It's drier, it's bubblier, it's often bloody cheaper, and it's probably the best sparkling wine known to man. Side note, I was once asked to be a guest on a radio show and talk about prosecco. I was rubbish, but no one could have been left in any doubt as to how much I love this stuff as I rambled on and on. And on (cringe). 

Skinny Prosecco were Christmas miracle-workers and sent me over a bottle to try, and I have done this for you, reader. Just for you. Made by Thomson and Scott, who also do Skinny Champagne (though we know which is best, eh?) the concept is that less sugar makes for a cleaner drink, in a health sense, but also in the clarity of the taste. Skinny Prosecco has half the sugar of a normal glass of prosecco, and only 67 calories. It also tastes fantastic, which - lets be honest, is the main concern. It's smooth and dry, and if you had to do some kind of blind taste test (ooh, that's a good idea, I'll just order some other proseccos...) you wouldn't be able to spot the skinny, as you might with say, diet soft drinks versus full-sugar ones. 

If, during the festive season, you're planning on consuming more prosecco than usual (no judgement), then it makes good sense to take in less sugar. You can pick up Skinny Prosecco for around £17.95 a bottle at Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, and on Amazon. Cheers! 



By Terry Impearlious Ombre Blackstar Gift Collection


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