Five Reasons To Get An Elle Subscription

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My name is Sarah and I'm a magazine addict, hi Sarah. There's a selection of five glossies that I get every month without fail, and read in a particular order, with Elle always being the first one I devour with green tea and probably a biscuit or ten. I've seen it go through lots of changes over the past twenty years in terms of design, style and content, but it's never stopped being the number one monthly mag for fashionistas with their finger on the pulse of culture, design, life and style. The tone is open and friendly without ever talking down to the reader, and there's an overarching theme of feminism; what it means to be a woman in the twenty-first century, as a community and as an empowered individual. Having a subscription to Elle not only means you never miss out on some fantastic writing and photography, but here's five other good reasons for having this monthly treat delivered right to your door:


The Cover

Subscribers get a special collector's cover that's different to the one sold in shops. I love how it has little to no writing on it, apart from the title, obvs. I kind of wish all magazines were this sleek and minimalist, though of course that would be a major marketing fail to not entice potential customers with headlines. Call me shallow, but I just love the aesthetic, and will oh so casually place the subscriber's version on my coffee table for all to see.  


Kristen Stewart Elle Magazine


The Freebies

Some magazine subscriptions don't come with any giveaways, the nice little makeup or skincare freebies stuck to the cover. I don't think Elle subscribers get all of them, but I've certainly got some of the good ones, including some amazing Benefit bronzer with one of the recent summer issues. It's such a bonus to not miss out on beauty samples, and I think it's kind of silly that some brands don't give them to magazine subscribers - they're a target market too. 

The Savings

There are huge savings to made with a subscription, and I mean huuuge! My deal is a year old now, but gives me Elle for £1 an issue, that's a saving of around £36 a year. If you're going to buy every single issue you might as well subscribe and save yourself some bucks that could be put towards an infinite number of jolly nice things. Have a look at for their latest Elle deals

The Novelty

I never tire of having magazines come through my door (yes, I have a few subscriptions), it's so much fun to see gorgeous glossy magazines amongst the more boring post (pretty much all bills, gah), and to sit down with my breakfast smoothie bowl and flick through one. I'll keep the latest issue of one mag in my bag as I travel round London for meetings, and then swap it with another when I'm finished. It means not having to keep a look out for latest issues in shops, not only because it's delivered to your doorstep, but also because subscribers get their copies a day or two before shop release. 

The Content

Aside from the bonus reasons above, the main benefit of an Elle magazine subscription is that it guarantees you some cracking content each and every month. Fave regular articles of mine include the "My Life in Books" column in which a celebrity shares the books that shaped their life (I will usually try at least one of their recommendations), the opening pages with everything that's new from the catwalk, and of course the whole of the beauty section, which I often head straight to. If you haven't tried Elle before, I really recommend having a butcher's, there's everything on a scale of hard-hitting journalism telling the stories of women from around the world, to horoscopes, recipes, and fitness. I started reading Elle when I was probably too young for it, but there's a reason I've been such a long term reader, and that probably matches up with why it's the number one selling fashion magazine in the world - it's a fantastic read for women at any stage of their life and career. 


Elle Magazine Subscription


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