Flight Path Noise Drama

Soundproofing Windows


Regular readers might have heard me harping on about my beloved two-year old niece and how much I love being an aunty (although my niece has recently taken to dropping the ‘tee’ and going with the more casual Aunt Sarah when addressing me). I live for popping over to south-west London and spending time with that little ball of joy (okay, she’s also a ball of tantrums), and I love everything about that neck of the woods; the shops in Richmond, the deer in the park, strolling along the river, and exploring lush surrounding areas like Kew.

My sister and her fam moved slightly out of Richmond when they wanted a bigger place for the joy/tantrum ball, though just to one of the bordering towns. It’s a nice area, and Richmond is still the station I come in to when I visit – but you definitely get more space for your money outside of central Richmond. On my first visit I loved my sister’s place; way more rooms, front AND back gardens, and a trendy suburban vibe. One thing I wasn’t prepared for though, were the massive aeroplanes just casually passing overhead on their way in to and out of Heathrow. The first time I slept over I thought one of them was flying into the house it was that low and loud. Okay, it’s not close enough to see passengers in the windows, or even always what brand of airline is passing, but if you’re not used to living in a flight path, it’s pretty goddam weird.

Like anything you get used to it, and even my niece is like, ah whatever when a plane goes over. She probably sees more planes than cars on an average day, but that’s only because she has to play in the back garden and not on the road (turns out my sister is quite a sensible parent). One thing that has definitely helped them out is having their windows soundproofed, and as a regular sleeper-overer I can confirm that this makes the world of difference. When I’m indoors I’m also like, ah whatever when a plane goes over, because you can’t even hear it. If you’re having similar flightpath noise dramz there are companies specalising in installing soundproof windows in the Heathrow area that can advise you on your options. It’s well worth looking in to if you want to shrug in the face (or tail) of passing planes.


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