How To Make Mini Christmas Stockings

Mini Christmas Stocking Sewing Tutorial


The lovely Hannah from Crafternoon Cabaret led a Bloggeration craft session for some bloggers to make mini Christmas stockings. I didn't think I'd be great at this, and I was so right! It's honestly good fun though, especially when you're sitting with good company and there's some festive tunes playing. If you'd like to make some wee stockings for decorations, or to maybe gift some sweets or little knick-knacks to someone, I'd definitely recommend checking out Zazzle's range of beautiful and inexpensive Christmas fabrics. I loved these retro-looking Christmas trees one (above) and pink reindeer (below), reminiscent of the Babycham deer. 


You will need -

Fabric (two A4 size pieces makes one stocking)

Ribbon (also from Zazzle)

Needle and thread





Zazzle Fabric How to make Christmas Stockings


1.) Put your two pieces of fabric together and pin them so that they don't move.

2.) On the non-patterned side of one piece draw a stocking shape. You can freestyle this (like my shoddy one below) or find a template online to trace round. 

3.) Cut round the outline whilst the pieces are still pinned together so that both pieces are cut into exactly the same shape. Make sure you leave at least 1cm between the pencil line and the edge of the fabric. 


How to Sew Christmas Stockings Craft Tutorial


4.) Fold down the top of the pieces so that it will make a nice fold when the stocking is complete.

5.) Use the pencil outline as a guide to sew all the way round 


How to make Stockings Retro Christmas Fabric


6.) Cut jagged triangle shapes around the toe and heel to give the stocking a better shape when you pull it inside out. 


How to sew Retro Christmas Stockings


7.) You should be left with a cute stocking that just needs a bow on top. Tie a bow in a small length of ribbon and sew this to the side of the stocking. Make sure it has a loop if you want the stocking to be hung as a decoration. 


How to Make Christmas Stockings





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