Christmas Gift Ideas From George At Asda

George At Asda Christmas Gift Ideas Candle Paul Smith Perfume


If you're looking for inexpensive Christmas gift ideas, then may I direct your eyeballs in the direction of George, that brilliant clothing and homeware brand that lives within mighty supermarket chain, Asda. They also have some great beauty gifts as well, including adorable 100ml Paul Smith Rose, a delicate pink perfume which smells as good as it looks. This is currently on sale at £20, and could be a stocking filler that would draw actual gasps from the receiver. This ceramic white and gold chevron candle (above) is an absolute steal at £5. It looks rather stunning on my desk, and far more expensive than it is. I am literally never going to burn this, nor gift it this Christmas. It's an official blogging desk ornament from here on in. 


Yankee Candle Christmas Treats


A candle I will be burning is this Christmas Treats bad boy from Yankee Candles (£13). Asda have a huge array in stock, all the Christmassy smells you can imagine, even fresh fallen snow - whatever that smells of. Christmas Treats is the scrumptious scent of baking and candy, perfect if you like sweet, vanilla-like smells. These make a fantastic gift for candle-lovers; Yankees are the best for smelling of pretty much what they claim to, and they look so very festive. 


Hard Candy Glitter Nail Polish


I couldn't believe it when I saw this Hard Candy gift set. I'm old enough to remember Hard Candy polishes when they came out in the nineties, and they were the polish that everyone wanted. Each bottle came with a plastic ring, and they were loved by all the cool people in Hollywood at the time like Drew Barrymore and Winona Ryder; people who were young, giddy hipsters then, and are now probably old enough to be your mum. My mother would never let me have any Hard Candy, and by the time I was old enough to get my own they were nowhere to be seen. I just assumed the brand had closed its candy doors, but here it is, nestled amongst the other beauty bargains from George. There aren't any plastic rings anymore, but this set does have five glitter polishes and a sparkly emery board, and I'm loving these unusual colours. Glitter green is standard at Christmas, but it's not often you see a bottle of sparkly black. All this good stuff, and it's only £5 for the set. An ideal gift for a teen, or for someone old enough to remember Hard Candy's heyday. 


Hard Candy Glitter Christmas Nails


If you're in the market for a Christmas jumper, please check out George's range. This holly number (below) is hands down the best festive sweater I've seen this year. It's incredibly soft wool with adorable bright green cotton holly leaves, and is only £14. You can wear this to the office Christmas jumper day without feeling a fool, and you'll also be best dressed on Christmas Day with the fam. This is definitely an amazing find, and has made me want to pay a closer look at George's clothing bargains. 


Holly Christmas Jumper George At Asda


The kids range at George is amazing, and the prices will make you want to put ten of everything into your cart. I picked out this Peppa Pig top and elf babygro for my niece, and I've gone into more detail about the quality and cost of these items in my gift guide for toddlers


Christmas Gift Ideas For Toddlers


What are you waiting for, head over to George's website to see their current beauty sale prices, and snap up that holly jumper before they run out. I might get a few more of the chevron candles too...


These items were gifted to me from George at Asda to include in my Christmas gift guide. The baubles are from Paperchase. 



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