Paperchase Blogger Christmas Party

Paperchase Mini Christmas Trees


My name's Sarah and I'm a stationery addict (hi, Sarah). So there was no part of me that wasn't radiating sheer joy to be invited to Paperchase' blogger Christmas party. This is like getting an invite from the FA if you're a football fan, or from the Queen herself if you're into the Royals. My stationery gods were calling me, and off I went to their flagship store on Tottenham Court Road, a.k.a the palace of stationary and blogging accessory dreams. After a good look at their new collections for 2016, which I wrote about here, we sat down for an afternoon of Christmas crafts, prosecco and cakes. Winning at life. 


Paperchase Blogger Christmas Party


We each chose a Christmas tree to decorate, and I was oddly drawn to the black one. I don't know if this is because I've had a lifetime of decorating green, silver and white trees, or if it was some kind of ultra-chic or ultra-goth side in me coming to the fore, but I really liked how literally everything went with the tree whereas some people had to deal with major DC (decoration clash). 


Paperchase Blogging event


As well as huge tubs of Paperchase' ever-cute tree decorations we were given a yummy lunch of sandwiches, crisps and delicate pastries. Plus old-school retro biscuits, which happen to go surprisingly well with prosecco. 


Blogger Christmas Party

Mini party tarts


Everyone was concentrating really hard - there were all kinds of creativity being expressed; people used lights, ribbons, Bambi in a tree, even a carrot... okay.


Paperchase small Christmas Trees

Bambi Tree decoration

Christmas Tree Decorating


My favourite design was this one with neon geometric decorations. Soooo Paperchase!


Blue Christmas Tree


I couldn't decide whether to go for the brightly coloured baubles or the range of muted golds, rose golds and taupes. So I went for both, making one side of the tree bright and gaudy, and the other very fashionable. One day, all Christmas trees will be double-decorated so that you can spin them round to suit your mood. 


Paperchase Christmas Tree Decorations

Black Christmas Tree


If that wasn't enough fun, we then made Christmas pinwheels, probably one of the easiest decorations to make with card, or even wrapping paper. Paperchase have a handy how-to leaflet you can pick up in-store. Once you've turned your strip of paper or card into a concertina you press it flat, glue it together, and then decorate each side. 


Paperchase Christmas Crafting

Making Christmas Pinwheels

Blogger Chrismas Crafting

How To Make Pinwheels

Most people went for a traditional Christmas look, I decided on a Liberace Florida theme. Sorry not sorry. We left with our trees, pinwheels, and a fab goody bag of Paperchase notebooks (air punch!), accessories and a gift card which I could have spent there and then to be honest, there's always at least fifty things I want from Paperchase at any given moment. 


Flamingo Liberace Pinwheel


This was such a fun event! I properly got in the Christmas mood, and totally got to indulge not only my shit-crafting side (lol, at how I will never be able to make things look good) but also my extreme stationery love with the 2016 product preview. These adorable Christmas trees are just £8.50 and decorations start from £2 a pack. There's pretty much everything you need at Paperchase for Christmas, from gifts and cards to wrapping, to decorating and throwing some additional sparkle on everything. 


Paperchase Christmas Gifts



A Sneak Peak At Paperchase's 2016 Ranges


Body Shop Christmas Goodies