Things To Get Excited About In October

Autumn Vegetables


Well 'scuse me whilst I kick off my summer trainers, slip on some cosy socks (I don't own any slippers, gah!) and light some pumpkin spice candles. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are turning brown, and the shops are full of Christmas stuff. But IGNORE the festive bits that have been there since August, focus instead on the Halloween goodness around us, including these things that are firmly on either my wishlist or my already-own-like-a-boss list. Are you with me on any of these? 


October Autumn Halloween Favourites


Let me talk you through it, starting with the cliches. Oh wait, they're all cliches. Well anyhoo, we've got Halloween, represented by a T-shirt from New Look that I've got my eye on this year, and some cute cupcakes; Starbucks hot-chocolate in their pretty autumn cups; an Anthropologie oatmeal cookie candle (I heart all their sweet-smelling wax wonders); seasonal films - especially Hocus Pocus and The Nightmare Before Christmas (it's also a Halloween film!); and walks in the park when it's cold but sunny and all the leaves are stunning colours. October is a funny month, back in the day it used to be freezing cold, and now it's like an extension of summer and I barely need a coat outdoors (she says looking out onto an especially gloomy rainy day in London), but it's definitely not light the fire, wrap up in a blanket on the sofa weather. That comes in November... as do fireworks, Christmas shopping, and winter boots. Maybe I'll get some slippers while I'm at it.



Yeonmi Park Penguin Book Blogger Event


The Best Bag For Autumn