Christmas Hamper Blogger Breakfast At Selfridges

Selfridges Breakfast


I've been so swamped with organising Bloggeration that I've had hardly any time for Christmas press and blogger events this year. Such a difference from this time last year when I was pretty much going to brand Christmas events from July to December. But an invitation from Selfridges to preview their Christmas hampers could not be turned down. Who could ever say no to sumptuous pastries and pretty granola in the gorgeous Corner Restaurant in Selfridges? Let alone the chance to be talked through their amazing hampers and taste everything. It was an early start, before Selfridges even opened to the public, but I was ready! 


Selfridges Corner Restaurant


The tables were beautifully laid, and they had put out some of their panettone, which is known in my family as fatty-fluff cake. This one was so light and zesty, and ever so slightly spiced, like Christmas on a plate. Of course, there was prosecco too - it's never too early! 


Selfridges Chrismas Panatone

Selfridges Blogger Breakfast

Selfridges Christmas


I was sat with Michael from Symmetry Breakfast, an amazing Instagrammer I've met before on the Snog Bus, and the lovely Edible Jared who I met for the first time. I've followed Felicity Spector for ages, but didn't know the lovely lady I was sitting opposite was her until we'd been chatting for a while and exchanged names. This keeps happening to me! I say, oh what's your blog or what do you do, to someone at a party, and they are an AMAZING person I've worshipped (okay, appreciated) and I have no idea it's them. Note to self, stop being embarrassing. I also met Sally from The Cafe Cat, and Kate from The Little Library Cafe who bakes items based on literature. I love it! 


Selfridges Hampers 2015


After breakfast we were presented with this year's hamper selection at Selfridges, and got to try some items. I love how the signature yellow doesn't stop them being utterly Christmassy. In fact, I prefer the muted greys, pinks and maroons of the items, this is one classy hamper selection. 


Selfridges Christmas Hamper

Selfridges Tea Hamper


This was such a nice event, a brilliant way to start the day with lots of blogging/Instragramming chat, and of course, lots of food discussion. We were given a goody bag with some items from the Christmas hampers, and I may or may not have already tried the chocolate coins and the salted caramel mini-biscuits. Okay, I have tried them... Christmas has started early! If you like sweet and savoury in the same bite, you'll love these biscuits, I've never known something where strong salt cuts through creamy chocolate in one bite. I love the nostalgia of gold coins, even though they are usually made from a weird, cheap chocolate. Not Selfridges gold coins, no ma'am, these are rich and creamy. I'll be getting more of these for stocking fillers, and by that, I mean - for me. 


Selfridges Christmas Hampers

Salted Caramel Biscuits

Selfridges Christmas Pudding


Selfridges Selection Hampers are available to buy all year round, and their Christmas Hampers are on sale now. 



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