DRINKmaple Pure Maple Water

Drink Maple Pure Maple Water


Coconut water has been ruling the roost for far too long, and when I say roost I mean the chiller cabinets of heath food shops and supermarkets across the land. Recently I reviewed the goodness of birch water, a strong contender to coconut water's supremacy, and now it's the turn of maple water. DRINKmaple is a delicious drink which, like birch water, is made from fresh tree sap. Each spring maple trees in Vermont are harvested for their sap, and this maple 'water' creates an amazing one-ingredient health drink.


DRINKmaple Health Benefits


DRINKmaple pure maple water contains a staggering 46 nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes. It's vegan, sugar-free (and with half the natural sugar of coconut water - take that coconut water!), plus it's low calorie, gluten-free and has more maganese than a cup of kale (the stuff that regulates thyroid health and blood-sugar levels). Just when you think DRINKmaple couldn't get any better it naturally contains malic acid, which can help with muscle soreness and reduce fatigue, and it's a natural source of hydration. Wow! That's a lot going on in a one-ingredient drink. 


Healthy Maple Water


But what does it taste of? When I think of anything maple-related I imagine maple syrup dripping down the sides of a stack of pancakes, and that's something I can get on board with. The thought of drinking a glass of it makes me think of downing syrup, but on closer inspection it's definitely water, totally clear and in no way syrupy. It's like having water with a mere hint of flavour, and not at all funky-tasting like coconut water. I found it incredibly hydrating and energising to drink first thing in the morning. DRINKmaple kindly sent me their three different serving sizes to try, but they're currently available at Selfridges Whole Foods, Harvey Nichols, and Harrods - or you can order online with Ocado.  


Pure Maple Water



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