Spy London Premiere!

Spy Film Premiere


When I first saw the trailer for Spy and it made me laugh out loud, I thought this is going to be a comedy caper right up my street! From the director of Bridesmaids, and starring two of the Bridesmaids ladies - Melissa McCarthy and Rose Byrne - this is for those who like their films silly, warm-hearted, and female-led. I was turning cartwheels (not literally, I've never been able to do those. Not even whilst drunk. I've tried) when I got invited to the Spy London premiere. McCarthy plays a CIA desk agent who longs to go out in the field. She gets her chance when her partner, played by Jude Law, goes off the grid, and a mad-cap race to save the world ensues. The chemistry between Byrne and McCarthy is just the best, there's a kanye-dissing cameo from 50 Cent, and surprising scene stealing from Jason Statham - not known for his comedy roles, but hilarious in this! 


Spy Melissa McCarthy


After walking down the red carpet and getting zero love from the paps and fans crowding the barriers to snap the film's many brilliant stars, we took our seats and watched the red carpet interviews on the big screen. Jude Law, Jason Statham, Melissa, Miranda Hart (yes, Miranda has bagged herself a Hollywood role, and she's actually not bad), and the others were still on the red carpet as we walked through. Check out Jason (top picture) on the big screen, working those crowds! Inside was snack heaven; on each seat was a bag of popcorn and some water, and you could go and get complimentary booze from a man with a drinks trolley stood at the front of the auditorium.  


Spy Premiere Jude Law


Eventually the cast were allowed in from the cold, and took to the stage to give us some pre-movie entertainment. Jude and Miranda sang and danced (yes, really. See below). 


Spy London Premiere


The funniest line went to Peter Serafinowicz. The director, Paul Feig, kept saying the female stars were eye candy as they walked on stage, and Peter quipped that there was so much eye candy he was getting eye diabetes. The roar of laughter showed that it's not just me who loves his dad jokes! I thought that film stars just went home after doing these intro bits at premieres, and when they said they were going to take their seats to watch the film, I cynically scoffed. But we did see them leaving at the end! It must have been a nice feeling for them to hear such a great reception from the audience, there was so much laughter, and even some gasps! 


Spy Movie London Premiere


Here's the hilarious trailer! 




Spy is in UK cinemas from June 5th



Blogger Snog Bus Party

