Prosecco Recommendations For Spring

Prosecco for Summer


Ah, Spring. The blossoms and the daffs are out, the weather is (kind of) getting warm enough to sit in the garden with a glass or two of prosecco - surely one of the greatest outdoor pursuits of all time. I was sent these bottles of the best bubbles known to man™ and made it my duty to try them for you whilst enjoying the glorious British Spring time. Okay, I did have to wear a cardigan... and some socks, but in your mind picture me with feet up, listening to bird song and enjoying the even more majestic sound of prosecco corks popping.


Adeletto Prosecco


The Co-op couriered over a bottle of their Adeletto Prosecco NV (£10.49), made from Glera grapes grown in Venice, lightly perfumed with aromas of citrus fruit and white blossom. How apt for spring! I found it a little sweeter than the average prosecco, so if you're into sweet wines you'll love this fresh, crisp taste. It was very fizzy and would be ideal for summer parties with a few strawberries added.


Enrica Rocca Prosecco


I was delighted to hear from Enrica Rocca's people, she's a Venetian chef who has put her name to probably one of the best proseccos I've ever tasted (and I've tasted some prosecco in my time!). It's unbelievably smooth, and satisfyingly dry. Absolutely stunning! At the moment it's only available to buy in the UK online in six bottle crates for 72 Euros, but if you have a special occasion coming up I highly recommend splashing out. I'd love it to be sold in supermarkets, but that fantastic price per bottle comes from cutting out middle men and delivering straight from the producer.

Lets all move to Venice! Cheers!



Bourjois Blogger Event and Spring Range


Laura Mercier Silk Creme Foundation