Copa de Cava

Copa de Cava Tapas


Apologies for the grainy photos; Copa de Cava is lit by candles and the gleam of silver cutlery digging into Manchego cheese and patatas bravas. They invited me to try their wares, and my first thought was - cava? Isn't that Spanish prosecco? Can it compare to the drink of champions? 


Copa de Cava London


Cut to Friday night in Copa de Cava, a stone's throw from St. Paul's Cathedral. I'm with my Bloggeration partner in crime, Angela, and we are sampling some of the silkiest and most perfectly chilled sparkling wines known to man. Our waiter is the nicest guy (and a self-professed 'fake Spanish' - he's Italian) and he selects the different cavas for us to try, based on my firmly insisted statement that sweet wine is wretched, and the drier the better when it comes to bubbles. He also recommends some tapas plates for us, bringing out ewe cheese with walnuts, and manchego with quince jelly. There's spicy garlic prawns for Angela, and tomato garlic bread for me. The Spanish have got vegetarian boozing-food sussed: bread and cheese. Thank you, please. 


Angela Bowron


This dark basement bar is actually quite romantic - in a Pirates of the Caribbean way, with exposed brickwork, upturned barrels, gothic candles, and wine bottles quite literally everywhere. It's definitely full of character, and laughter too - but that could be because everyone is drunk on cava. The best was saved for last; almond tart and an order of classic Spanish churros served with a cute chocolate pot. We were in Spanish dessert heaven! If you're in the city you have to try Copa de Cava for an extensive list of cavas, which I have to admit are just as good as the old prosecco. The tapas is great, and there's also a lot of seafood and charcuterie if you're into that kind of stuff. Thanks Copa de Cava, two greasy cheese stained thumbs up from me! 


Churros Chocolate Almond Tart


Copa de Cava treated us, but I still had an amazing time and give you my true opinion. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum cava. See the full menu here



Foundation Bar


Shaun The Sheep Movie