Healthy Malibu Coconut Dessert


Malibu Coconut Healthy Dessert


This week it's Valentine's Day - a.k.a. Dessert Day. Whether the dessert is served to you by a waiter in a fancy restaurant, by your partner trying their bestest chef skills, or by you doing likewise - there will definitely be dessert. And if the levels of love and romance in your life are at a zero - you can still join in Dessert Day, it's for everyone! Forget rich chocolate cake and stodgy puddings, this sweet treat is yummy and (kinda) healthy too! You could even have it for breakfast... just drink responsibly, yeah?


Healthy Malibu Coconut Dessert


You'll need: 

* Chocolate Chip Granola (the one I used isn't dairy-free, so if you're going vegan switch this up).

* Acacia Honey 

* Co-Yo Vanilla Coconut Yoghurt (this one is vegan. Use one per person)

* Malibu Coconut Rum


Acacia Honey Granola


Step one: 

I like to make individual desserts in small ramekins; more romantic and saves on washing-up. Fill the dish halfway to the top with chocolate granola. 

Step two:

Slowly drizzle a tiny amount of honey on to the granola and use a spoon to gently press it in. You shouldn't be pouring and stirring, this needs to be a minimal amount of honey to hold the granola together, not saturate it. 


Rum Coconut Dessert


Step three: 

This needs to be done slowly too. Use half a teaspoon of Malibu Caribbean Rum and slowly fold it in to the Co-Yo. If you use too much, or stir too vigorously, the yoghurt will lose it's creamy consistency. Save that Malibu for making delicious rum cocktails later. 

Step four: 

Spoon the rum-coconut mixture on to the granola and leave to chill until you're ready to serve. You could even decorate it with some fresh blueberries and strawberries. 

So easy, and tastes divine! The Malibu adds extra coconutty kick, and ramps up the decadence levels! What are your plans for Valentine's, and do they involve dessert? Let me know in the comments below x


Healthy Dessert Malibu Coconut

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