Yoga At East London Community Wellbeing

Yoga At East London Community Wellbeing


As blogger events go, this one has been the most chilled on so many levels! I was pleased to get an invite to the East London Community Wellbeing centre, part of St. Margaret's House charity in Bethnal Green. But I was a bit apprehensive about the session including a yoga class. Boooo! I hate yoga... until now! Myself and four other bloggers got put through our paces by the lovely Holly who helped to make it easy for me, a.ka. yoga dunce, whilst encouraging super bendy Che to push herself. Sarah (who organised this healthy soiree), Sade and Sasha were all somewhere in the middle - and all a million times better than me. 


Yoga At East London Community Wellbeing


Holly taught us vinyasa flow moves that at times I felt challenging, but any struggle was closely followed by an almost euphoric feeling (is this normal?). Afterwards I felt long and stretched, and like I wanted to sit up properly and do more yoga (although I paid the price later that day. Hobbling and aching much?). Holly also showed us some breathing techniques and discussed the health benefits of learning to breathe properly. Turns out - my whole life I've definitely been breathing, but not in the right way. 


Yoga At East London Community Wellbeing


We also had a scrumptious vegan lunch from the cafe at St. Margaret's. If you're in the area you HAVE to go there! I've never had dairy-free cake that was so moist and delicious. The best bit about this event was getting the chance to sit down with a small group of fellow bloggers and really have a good chat. I love meeting new people at blogger events, but they're usually big affairs where you don't get to have long discussions, and definitely not whilst lying on the floor wearing sweatpants. To top it all off we got given a goody bag of healthy treats from TeapigsMiso TastyRude Health and divine hand-cream from Napiers

To see more of the yoga and the cake, and another health and beauty event I went to - watch my vlog below. If you too wanna get euphoric and stretchy check out the yoga classes at East London Community Wellbeing, they have a whole host of things from pilates to holistic therapies.  





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