Nuffnang Birthday Party

Nuffnang Birthday Party


Happy first birthday Nuffnang! Lets all head to a sexy London rooftop and celebrate! If you're a blogger and you haven't heard of Nuffnang, I'd strongly recommend you get better acquainted. This agency is a blogging powerhouse in the Far East, and set up shop in the UK a year ago. When you sign up and display the Nuffnang button on your blog you open up a world of opportunity to monetise your blog, meet delightful fellow bloggers, and attend seriously amazing events! All the current members were invited along to Netil 360's Rooftop Retreat to say well done and thanks to Nuffnang for being so darn awesome.


Nuffnang Birthday Party


Firstly, how gorgeous is this venue? A huge expanse of decked roof with the London skyline in the distance. The London Fields location attracts the hippest of hipsters, though it's not just a bar, you can pay to work here all day if you're a freelancer, and mingle with fellow creatives. Although the grey day was far from perfect, it was the ideal place for a photo shoot or ten. Posing-ahoy!


Alex 1  Alex 2

Alex 3  Alex 4


The lovely Alex from Alexianatouillia battled with the props in the blustering wind to capture the perfect carefree balloon shot. A good model makes everything look so effortless.


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Bloggers tend to accesorise with cameras. It's just what we do. Here's Kylie of Little Outdoor Kylie, and Honey from The Girl Next Shore probably wishing they had some balloons too.  



Nuffnang Birthday Party


As well as a never-ending supply of prosecco (yesss!), we were also treated to yummy vegan tacos from Club Mexicana, and a meaty BBQ for the weirdos that weren't into black beans and seitan with mouth-wateringly fresh guacamole.   

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As a vegetarian I am always over the moon when the catering is focused on meat-free delights! These were absolutely delicious, and people were queueing for seconds and thirds.




The only problem with tacos is that they are not the easiest of party foods when you're trying to chat with people. Meeting people for the first time with fingers and face covered in taco filling is not a good look, but we all agreed by mutual concensus that there was no polite way of eating tacos, and we'd just get on with it. Sara from Hello The Mushroom styles it out well. Just out of shot is Che from Indie Berries in her yoga gear. She's a yoga fanatic, but doesn't walk round ready for yoga action at any moment - Nuffnang had arranged a session of this bendy excercise for anyone who wanted it. The only excercise I do at a party is dancing (badly) and running to the bar.


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Kylie blogs about birds, amongst other other wildlife, and even this plastic flamingo caught her ornithological eye. Check out her cute shoes! (Kylie's, not the flamingo's).


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It was just such a chilled afternoon. Lots of blog chat, catching up with people I've met at other Nuffnang events, and meeting brand new blogging lovelies!


Nuffnang Birthday Party


I had so much fun meeting Diane from Nomad Seeks Home (below, left) and Emily-Jayne (in the yellow skirt), who runs a fab business helping people choose the best colours to wear. We talked about this a lot. What she does is fascinating! Just behind them is the lovely Louise of Chasing Clouds who I've chatted with on Twitter and now finally got to meet! I love meeting people from the interweb!


Nuffnang Birthday Party


Here's Honey, and Angela from The Awkward Blog multi-tasking ordering tacos and taking blog-worthy snaps.


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Francesca of Fall For DIY made a wonderful prosecco model. I predict that this could become an actual thing in the modelling world.


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The whole soiree was put together by Nuffnang's community manager, Jesse, who organises the best parties and blogger events, and will gladly talk to you about anything that could help your blog. She is also probably the best-dressed community manager in the world, ever.


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Thanks Nuffnang for a fab party! Happy birthday and here's to many more years of matching bloggers with brands! Don't forget to check them out if you are a blogger, and maybe I'll see you at their next get-together! 


Nuffnang Birthday



East Street

