Lick Gelato

Lick Ice Cream


Sun's out - guns out! (the bicep kind, not the deadly weapon). Let's all get some ice-cream! Lick is tucked away in Soho, but near enough to Soho Square so that you can go and grab a cone, and then sit on some pigeon poo in the sun with all the other Soho Squarers. 


Lick Ice Cream


I love love love anything peanut butter flavoured, so when I saw this listed as one of their flavours on their window I had my heart set on it. No peanut butter ice-cream to be had inside, boooo! So I panicked and went for mint (surely the best ice-cream flavour of all time!), and chocolate, the standard sidekick of mint. As gelato goes, they were both quite nice, but nothing special. They had so many unusual flavours, I wish I'd been a bit braver (like I was with the black sesame ice-cream at East Street). I'd still recommend Lick, just make sure you go for one of their more exciting flavours. 


Lick Ice Cream



SohoCreate Festival


Mumsnet Workfest 2014