The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club


I'm sorry Banner's, but your legendary brunches have some competition now that I've sampled the wares of The Breakfast Club. This retro-tastic chain of cafes sell breakfast all day, are filled with memorabillia of your childhood pop-culture faves, and blast 90's and 00's tunes. The Shoreditch branch has Hoxton hipsters queuing round the block as it's so good, and myself and some fellow Blogcadettes got in line. 


The Breakfast Club


I was over the moon to catch up with these blogging babes; I hadn't seen CheHolly, or Fifi since we drank all the prosecco in the world back in January. As an exciting bonus I got to meet two Blogcadettes that I'd chatted with on Twitter, but not hugged in real life before - Lynsay and Kylie. I fell in love with them both straight away, especially as Lynsay wore a retro 'do and a necklace that said Blether (she's a Glasgow girl), and Kylie is a fellow vegetarian who lives on a houseboat. We had lots of blogging chat to get through, but firstly we had to choose from the AMAZING menu! I got some green juice in, probably the only healthy choice I made. 


The Breakfast Club


We ordered such a range of things that we pretty much got to check out what most of the dishes looked like. Fifi went for the sausage bap, Holly got some scrummy pancakes with vanilla cream and fresh fruit, Che was on super-healthy oats and nuts stuff, Lynsay got eggs benedict, and her fella, Gary, got the club sandwich and chips. Gary, by the way, was brave to sit with a group of excited blog-obsessed girls, and then joined in by handing out cards for his own blog. Well played, Gary, well played. 


The Breakfast Club


Representing the vegetarians, Kylie and I both went for veggie cooked breakfasts. Mine was the American version which came with pancakes and maple syrup. We both agreed that the sausage was yummy!


The Breakfast Club


Just when you think Breakfast Club can't be any more fun than it is, you head to the loos and find yourself in an area pumping incredibly loud house music. As the door says, this is not just the bathroom, you are standing in the world's smallest disco. Look at the toilet!! HE-MAN!!!!


Breakfast Club 1


After our food fest we decamped to Hoxton Square to chat in the sunshine. Discussion on how our blogs were progressing and what events we had been to/had coming up were at the top of the agenda. Everyone has done so much since Blogcademy and we were all mighty proud of one another. 


Breakfast Club 2


I loved being inspired by these ladies (I think they would make a great girl band! I will be their manager...), as well as having lots of laughs and pancakes. What more can you ask for? I recommend The Breakfast Club a lot, and I recommend that you go there with good company who will sing along with you to Katy Perry and Girls Aloud, and not judge you for stealing one of the mugs...ahem. 


Breakfast Club 3





The Book Club