Godiva Chocolate Challenge

Godiva Chocolate Challenge


I could have called this blog the Chocolate Diaries, because the delicious cocoa stuff comes a close second to prosecco in the utter yummyness stakes. So I was absolutely giddy with excitement to be invited by Nuffnang to the Godiva Chocolate Challenge. Four amateur chef finalists were charged with the task of creating a divine chocolate dessert to be judged by a panel that included awesome restaurateur Mark Hix. 


Godiva Chocolate Challenge


Myself, Jesse of Hecticophilia, and Iris of Whatever Gets You Through The Day headed to the very glam Boffi showrooms in South Kensington where we were immediately plied with champagne (that was topped up non-stop all night. Hic!) and chocolate-dipped strawberries. 


Godiva 4


 I think I drank this much. For real. 


Godiva Chocolate Challenge


Whilst we were busy having some blog chat and swanning about, scoffing everything, the poor finalists were hard at work in their separate kitchen areas, trying to create the winning dessert that would make it onto Mark Hix' menu at Selfridges. As it if weren't nerve wracking enough they had to be watched by guests like monkeys in some kind of delicious chocolate zoo. (If that were an actual thing, I would definitely go). Heather, below, made an amazing-smelling pear and chocolate concoction. 


Godiva Chocolate Challenge


But enough about the chefs. Back to our feasting and chatting. We were served teensy blinis with smoked salmon curls, which of course as a veggie I didn't have, but Iris loved them. 


Godiva 1


Jesse wasn't so sure at first. But they got a huge thumbs up from her too! 


Godiva 2


No savoury vegetarian canapes, but this was no hardship as I was loving Godiva's mouthwatering Belgian chocolates that were brought round several times. We also got served a mousse made by Godiva's Head Chocolatier, Thierry Muret. This was out of this world richness, created with what Muret called Pomegranate caviar, which I hope was just a fancy way of saying pomegranate bits. 


Godiva 3


Okay, back to the chefs. Danny was making a chocolate and bacon tart, which was erm... different sounding. Victoria was our favourite, she was hilarious as she cooked and was interviewed, and in many sweary ways could be the new Gordan Ramsey. Her praline mousse cake looked amazing! There was a Godiva chocolatier manning the heavenly smelling vats of melted chocolate, he also whipped up some nut truffles and kept the strawberries coming. I want his job. 


Godiva Square 1  Godiva square 2

Godiva Square 3  Godiva Square 4


Finally, Thierry Muret silenced the DJ and took to the mic to announce the winner. Heather's pears were deemed to be the gold standard, but all four finalists get an all expenses trip to Brussels to go to Godiva headquarters, so they are all winners in my eyes. Except the one that put meat into chocolate.... It was such a fantastic night, and as well as being in chocolate heaven, I had a great time with my witty and fun-loving blogging companions. As we left we were given the most amazing goody bag known to man! It contained not one, but three boxes of sumptuous Godiva Belgian chocolates AND an easter egg!



Godiva 5


After a huge amount of booze and sweets we felt like having some savoury, so we headed off to Fernandez and Wells. I will show you tomorrow what delights we had there! For now, have a look at some of my spoils from the challenge. SO, SO good. I couldn't even wait to photograph them before I ate one! Thank you Godiva and Nuffnang! And well done to the final four. 


Godiva 6




Fernandez & Wells

