Tauri Litchfield Memorial Trust


Recently I headed down to The Boogaloo near Highgate tube station. I have heard all kinds of things about this pub; that Shane MacGowan lives upstairs, that Kate Moss and Johnny Depp used to visit him there, and that this used to be the real Winchester pub that Simon Pegg based his Shaun of the Dead adventures on. Whatever the truth is about the place, it is definitely "the sweetest little juke-joint" that GQ magazine reviewed it as. And I was honoured to be there for a very special fundraising event for the Tauri Litchfield Memorial Trust, a truly inspiring charity that I will tell you more about in a second. But first look at the form this fundraiser took - a bake sale! In a pub! What could be more perfect? Beer AND cake!



Hmm.... any slice of cake for £2? Well alright then, I'll try a few. It's all in a good cause. My sister and a couple of her mates added to the sale with these little cornflake cakes. She added peanut butter to hers, and it totally worked!



But no offence to my sis, by far the best thing at this bake sale, and probably any other bake sale I have ever been to, or ever will, were these giant party rings. They were solid biscuit and iced to perfection like the actual child's party faves. I had some of the yellow one and it was bloody delicious!



I must also give props to whoever made this amazing meringue loaded with melted chocolate-caramel buttons. SO good!



I hope you made it this far past the mouth-watering food porn for me to ask you to like the Tauri Litchfield Memorial Trust Facebook page, and to donate generously wherever you can. Maybe by holding your own bake sale? (Make sure you invite me if you do, I will buy EVERYTHING!). I never met Tauri, he was my sister's friend's boyfriend, and he sounded like an amazing guy. Very kind, and lived life to the full. In March this year he was murdered on his way home by a group of teenagers, the youngest was only fourteen. Tauri himself was only twenty-eight. This incredibly sad event happened in Australia where my sister's friend had recently emigrated to. I feel so sorry for her, but admire the way she is taking steps to keep positive before the trial, and to keep Tauri's memory alive by launching this trust which will benefit young people. She was at The Boogaloo and was a fantastic host and all-round inspiring woman. I wish only good things for her with the trial and the Trust.


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